College Confidential Forums - Latest threads (2024)

College Confidential Forums - Latest threads Latest threads Sat, 15 Jun 2024 01:22:24 +0000 Why do <a class="als" href="" title="parents" target="_blank" rel="noopener">parents</a> and consultants discourage applying to Exeter? <![CDATA[smash1978]]> Prep School Admissions <![CDATA[

I’ve come across many parents and consultants who discourage from applying to Exeter because of the rigorous/competitive culture. They say it’s not a very nurturing…an “every man for themselves” type of environment. Any Exonians or Parents can weigh in on this?

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]]> Sat, 15 Jun 2024 01:22:24 +0000 No No No Why do parents and consultants discourage applying to Exeter?
Inner drive - is it possible some kids will never have it? Frustrated <![CDATA[cynds]]> Parents Forum <![CDATA[

They say apple never falls far from the tree. Both parents are highly driven from a young age, but it seems that my daughter is still developing that. Slowly.

Looking at the two B+ grades she got this year, both are from relatively easy courses. I call these “effort” classes where you got As as long as you put in enough effort. I think she didn’t do well, in part, because she is not driven to excel in those classes. If she could get by with 50% effort, she would do that.

Advanced courses she got all As. I think those are not “effort” classes that’s why she can manage better.

How to help. Only two years left before college.

13 posts - 10 participants

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]]> Fri, 14 Jun 2024 23:52:34 +0000 No No No Inner drive - is it possible some kids will never have it? Frustrated
Choice of major and merit/acceptances? [NY resident, 4.0 GPA, 1520 SAT, <$50k; art ECs/portfolio but does not want art major] <![CDATA[seniorparent2021]]> Parents Forum <![CDATA[

My daughter will be applying to colleges this fall and is hoping to increase her chance of acceptances and/or merit by submitting an art portfolio when allowed. While she loves art, she has decided she does not want to attend an art school, or major in art. While she is more interested in majoring in a STEM subject, she does not have many extracurriculars to showcase her skills and commitment to STEM. Academically, she is a very strong student (4.0 avg, 1520 SAT (780 math, 740 verbal, lots of AP classes) but most of her activities involve art in some capacity (clubs, volunteering, teen art council).
I’m wondering whether she should apply to schools as an art major anyway (or at least a double major with a STEM subject). Once she starts as a freshman, she can always switch majors. I know this may be difficult with some majors, such as engineering, nursing, or CS, but she most likely will not want those majors anyway. My concern is that if she puts “biology” or something similar as her intended major, she will have little to support that “passion” on her application. I also thought that applying as an art major may be an advantage at a more technical school, such as Stevens. Is this a good idea or should she just put “undecided” or pick a STEM subject she THINKS she may want?

50 posts - 13 participants

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]]> Fri, 14 Jun 2024 19:58:14 +0000 No No No Choice of major and merit/acceptances? [NY resident, 4.0 GPA, 1520 SAT, <$50k; art ECs/portfolio but does not want art major]
Nursing - MA resident, 3.75 UW, 1340 SAT, <$50K <![CDATA[mv23]]> Chance Me / Match Me! <![CDATA[

US citizen
Public HS


3.75 W GPA
3.75 UW GPA
School does not provide rank
1340 SAT

1 AP
7 Honors
2 Dual Enrollment Classes- Bio and Nutrition
Highest level math: Trig and Pre Calc
3 years Spanish

President of fundraising club, Peer counselor leadership board, Student council, School council, Varsity field hockey, NHS, 80 hrs volunteer (50 in a hospital), after school program once a week, published history essay

Budget: trying to stay under $50,000, will take out loans for right school

Sacred Heart
U tennessee

12 posts - 12 participants

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]]> Fri, 14 Jun 2024 18:54:00 +0000 No No No Nursing - MA resident, 3.75 UW, 1340 SAT, <$50K
Chance me for combined dental programs, Cornell, and more t20s! [NJ resident, 3.91 GPA, 1550 SAT] <![CDATA[ilovepizza27]]> Chance Me / Match Me! <![CDATA[

Personal Info: Indian female, NJ, first-gen, from a public school which sent 10+ kids to UPenn this year and 8+ to Cornell

SAT: 1550 (750 EBRW, 800 Math), will retake to see if ebrw can go up anymore

UW/W GPA and Rank: UW is 3.91/4, W is 6.88/7, rank about 20 something (because we have 17 valedictorians College Confidential Forums - Latest threads (1))


  • done so far: AP Seminar, APUSH, AP Bio, AP Psych, APES, AP Lang, AP Research
  • next yr: AP Chem, AP Lit, AP Calc BC (my school doesn’t have AB), AP Stats, AP Macro + Micro, Human Anatomy Honors


  • Co-founder + director of a youth organization focusing on a niche health topic for which i’ve been to Capitol Hill and met with legislators to update pertinent bills
  • Extern at a dental practice nearby - suction and such during procedures ranging from basic prophys to complex extractions or root canals - about 300 hours
  • Research intern at Rowan SOM, project on ALL growth using mice models - wont be published by the time I apply but very important research
  • Candidate for Leukemia Lymphoma Society’s SVOY competition, raised over 39K in a 7 week period to go towards cancer research
  • Committee Member of LLS’ Teen Board, setting up and planning philanthropic events throughout the South Jersey region
  • Wrote a review paper on cervical cancer and how it affects South Asian women specifically - in one of the final reviewing processes by The Lancet!
  • Set up a dental supplies drive over the summer which collected over 2000 dental hygiene supplies to go towards those who need
  • President of my school’s Indian Cultural Society
  • Founder + President of my school’s Operation Smile Club
  • Coach, Pronouncer, and Judge of a local Spelling Bee after having won it multiple years in a row - also helped w promo and increased contestant show up almost threefold

Schools I’m Applying To:

ED: UPenn 7 Year Bio-Dental Program
EA: Case Western Dental PPSP (7 Year) and Rutgers

RD: Cornell, Barnard, Harvard, UMich, UNC Chapel Hill, Carnegie Mellon, Duke, NYU (7 Year), Tufts, Boston U, Johns Hopkins, Rowan

9 posts - 5 participants

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]]> Fri, 14 Jun 2024 17:40:43 +0000 No No No Chance me for combined dental programs, Cornell, and more t20s! [NJ resident, 3.91 GPA, 1550 SAT]
I want to take a gap year but college acceptance letter says I have to enroll in the fall <![CDATA[TheNewSchool]]> Applying to College <![CDATA[


I got pulled off the wait list and I was just sent a letter saying that if I accept I cannot take a gap year. I 100 per cent planned to take one after I accepted. It is for my mental health. Do you think that if I pay for the semester and then state I need to defer they would reconsider? The letter is from the financial person and so maybe other departments could overide this?

6 posts - 6 participants

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]]> Fri, 14 Jun 2024 17:39:18 +0000 No No No I want to take a gap year but college acceptance letter says I have to enroll in the fall
Wake Forest Transfer Students Fall '24 <![CDATA[Sidneyallen]]> Wake Forest University <![CDATA[

(topic deleted by author)

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]]> Fri, 14 Jun 2024 16:09:09 +0000 No Yes No Wake Forest Transfer Students Fall '24
PLEASE HELP - what summer programs are still open for application? <![CDATA[han.t]]> Summer Programs <![CDATA[

Does anyone know any summer programs that are still open for applications?? I missed deadlines for all the big ones. I’m not doing anything this summer and lowkey panicking!

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]]> Fri, 14 Jun 2024 03:13:05 +0000 No No No PLEASE HELP - what summer programs are still open for application?
Planning on Junior year activities <![CDATA[cynds]]> Parents Forum <![CDATA[

My daughter is a rising junior (NYC private). This summer she will be attending a STEAM summer program (medium level selectivity), then in August Volleyball training until tryout for returning to her club team and school varsity.

For her junior year, originally she was thinking applying for a more selective summer program (e.g., SSP) for the 11-th grade summer. However, her GPA is 3.7 so the chance of getting in SSP is zero. She will have to develop a new plan.

Any suggestion for 11-th grade activities? For school-related clubs, she has not been actively involved in the past two years as varsity and club take a lot of time. Her main interest at this time is environmental science (but new interest may develop). Advanced STEM courses math/physics/chemistry.

TBH she is a bit lost. Any suggestion highly appreciated.

38 posts - 10 participants

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]]> Fri, 14 Jun 2024 02:09:27 +0000 No No No Planning on Junior year activities
Rutgers Honors College in-state [20k] vs Georgia Tech OOS [53k] for Electrical Engineering <![CDATA[BloopDooper]]> Compare College Offers <![CDATA[

I just got into GT through the waitlist and have already committed to Rutgers Honors College. Considering that GT is a top 5 school for engineering, should I consider going there? 50k/year is near the max I can pay out-of-pocket, and GT is at that boundary while Rutgers HC is much nicer at 20k/year. This means I would be spending an additional 130k for a GT degree over a Rutgers HC degree. I am not sure yet if I want to go to graduate school. If I do plan on going, it may become too expensive (assuming like 80-90k/year for a top-end graduate school) if I attend GT, but that’s not the case for Rutgers. Plus, I would have the comfort of being in-state for Rutgers. Basically, are the outcomes/networking/opportunities available from GT for an additional 130k (which I can comfortably afford if I do not end up doing a master’s) worth it compared to all the perks and benefits of Rutgers HC for electrical engineering? Also, would it be better to attend Rutgers HC as I probably have a better chance of standing out as the student population may not be as competitive as GT when applying to graduate schools? Does the prestige of the university matter for engineering (in the scenario I do not go to graduate school and go straight to the industry)? Thanks!

7 posts - 5 participants

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]]> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 23:47:48 +0000 No No No Rutgers Honors College in-state [20k] vs Georgia Tech OOS [53k] for Electrical Engineering
Academic Stats for Ivy Preread <![CDATA[LuckyThomson1234]]> Athletic Recruits <![CDATA[

I am interested submitting a pre-read for a school like brown or dartmouth, and was wondering what stats are needed to pass the preread. Are they as demanding as admissions like. 1550+ and 4.2+. I wanted to see my chances. Also do they really consider EC’s, because that is my strong suit.

16 posts - 7 participants

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]]> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 22:21:57 +0000 No No No Academic Stats for Ivy Preread
B in AP Physics Junior Year [Pre-Med Application] <![CDATA[shadow4]]> Applying to College <![CDATA[

Hi all, I’ve never done well with physics, and just received a B in AP Physics junior year. However, all of my other classes are A’s. I plan on going into medicine at T20 colleges, will this affect my chances too detrimentally?

8 posts - 8 participants

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]]> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 21:19:06 +0000 No No No B in AP Physics Junior Year [Pre-Med Application]
How could one figure out a student's ranking in high school <![CDATA[cynds]]> High School Life <![CDATA[

My daughter just finished 10-th grade in a private high school in NYC. The GPA is not ideal, 3.7. The school does not give out A+ (max is 4.0), and does not give weighted GPA for advanced classes. What really matters is the relative ranking in one’s own school. However, the school’s policy is that they don’t provide ranking to the students, and don’t provide ranking to colleges either. In this kind of situation, how do you figure out her relative ranking? I have asked her dean about this but it’s not going anywhere. Thank you. Anxious.

21 posts - 8 participants

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]]> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 21:17:55 +0000 No No No How could one figure out a student's ranking in high school
Just Bio no lab for premed with AP Credit? <![CDATA[elise123]]> Pre-Med Topics <![CDATA[

Hi, I am going to the University of Alabama this fall as a pre-med student. I’m currently between microbiology, anthropology, and math as my major.

I have Bama bound (orientation) next week and I’ll sign up for classes there! For background, I took AP Bio junior year, got a 5, easily got a high A, and participated in bio Olympiad.

I was planning to take honors bio I because I’ve heard med schools don’t like to see AP Credit, and I wanted to make sure I knew the info. My friend (also pre-med, also took AP bio, neuroscience major) just registered for her classes at Bama bound and she signed up for honors bio class, but not the lab since she has lab AP credit. I would LOVE to do this because the lab is long, the one that fits best in my schedule looks like it’s at 8 am, and I could take another class or be more active on campus or with shadowing/volunteering. However, my mom is worried not taking the lab will look bad for med school. I will definitely take higher level bio labs. What do y’all think from your experience?

44 posts - 11 participants

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]]> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 20:51:24 +0000 No No No Just Bio no lab for premed with AP Credit?
Where do you get the real "dirt" on boarding schools? <![CDATA[hu2006]]> Prep School Cafe <![CDATA[

It’s tricky even from campus visits to know what’s truly going on at these schools.
I did a campus visit to one that seemed fine and then happened upon social media posts alluding to assaults and bullying that were being swept under the rug.

I’m not American so I don’t know what social media apps to go see what students are saying amongst themselves (more honest depictions than meeting a prefect in front of an admissions officer during a tour). From what I can tell, it’s not happening on Instagram.

Ideally there would be some app all the teens use and I can download it, type in the school’s name and find all the pics and videos that students upload of themselves either being upstanding citizens or doing bong rips and fighting.

Any tips?

5 posts - 5 participants

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]]> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 19:15:25 +0000 No No No Where do you get the real "dirt" on boarding schools?
My future roomate died... What do I do next? <![CDATA[Lisa_Costanza]]> College Confidential Community <![CDATA[

I found out that my future dorm mate died recently. The family has not told the school yet and I don’t know if they will.

Do I reach out to see if I can get a new roommate? Or should I wait for the family to tell the school? I’m unsure of what to do.

8 posts - 7 participants

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]]> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 08:36:46 +0000 No No No My future roomate died... What do I do next?
Tips for mastering R&W SAT? <![CDATA[allenski]]> Test Preparation <![CDATA[

I’m getting consistent 750-800 for math on my practice sats, but i’m getting like 650-690 on the R&W. What are some tips you guys have? I am good with the grammar and vocab, but really struggle on those reading passages and then using it to answer questions (ex. which one of these if true would support the passage’s claim). Should I start reading more often as i don’t read much tbh but i’m getting into light novels which might be childish but I am reading more than I usually do and enjoying it? This would also help me in AP Lang I hope.

7 posts - 4 participants

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]]> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 06:48:18 +0000 No No No Tips for mastering R&W SAT?
Can i take a sequence of gen chem from different cc in the same district <![CDATA[kenben10]]> UC Transfers <![CDATA[

I go to CRC which is in the Los Rios district and general chem 1 for the fall semester is full. I need it for my later classes prereqs and was wondering if taking it at a different college in the same district would affect my transfer or tag? Then after the first semester I would finish the rest it at CRC

5 posts - 5 participants

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]]> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 05:07:48 +0000 No No No Can i take a sequence of gen chem from different cc in the same district
Graduation Party Gifts (student to student) <![CDATA[Ae1231]]> High School Life <![CDATA[

For context, I will be graduating this Friday and will be attending like 15 grad parties on Saturday for all my friends. I know it’s last minute, but i’m just starting to think about gifts for them now. My grad party is on sunday, so I can’t just copy what others would be doing.
What would you say the average dollar amount from other students is typically? Or is it generally a different type of gift or nothing at all? I have a personalized card for each of them also by the way. TIA

14 posts - 11 participants

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]]> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 03:23:03 +0000 No No No Graduation Party Gifts (student to student)
Has anyone who was admitted to Wake Forest ED also received merit aid? <![CDATA[slyone]]> Applying to College <![CDATA[

My Class of 2025 daughter has pretty consistently preferred Wake Forest over the past year – even as her exact academic interests evolved a little and as she saw many other schools. She is seriously considering applying ED. Her test scores are above their reported middle 50 (with only about half of enrolled students submitting scores), she will be a NMSF Commended Scholar, and she has strong grades (her school doesn’t rank but she’s in the top group) and some consistent strong though not spectacular extracurriculars and awards. It would be nice if she could apply ED because it’s where she wants to go and still be considered for merit scholarship (she won’t qualify for need-based aid). I just fear they wouldn’t give someone merit who was already committed to attending.

Anyone been there, done that? Or anyone received or whose kid received merit aid at Wake Forest – it may be that she’d have no real chance anyway. Any info would be appreciated.

11 posts - 7 participants

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]]> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 02:13:58 +0000 No No No Has anyone who was admitted to Wake Forest ED also received merit aid?
Chance me Cornell CALS [and other colleges] [TX resident, 4.0 GPA, top 10% rank, 34 ACT; animal science] <![CDATA[Txgirl2025]]> Chance Me / Match Me! <![CDATA[

My first choice dream school has always been Cornell CALS as an Animal Science major, and now I am trying to figure out if I should apply ED or not. I ultimately want to go to Vet school and work in the exotic animal/conservation field. Most all of the schools I am applying to have an Animal Science major (I would apply as some type of biology/science major at the others)

I do have full tuition merit scholarships at some of the schools I am applying to (due to my College Board NHRS award-see below), so also wondering if I should shut the door on any of those scholarships by doing ED. My parents say they are behind whatever choice I make and are prepared to pay full tuition costs (undergrad and grad)

Your thoughts are appreciated!

(I know that CALS is test blind, but I will submit my scores to all other colleges)

  • US citizen
  • State of residence: TX
  • Type of high school: competitive public, ranked in the top 500 schools nationally
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity: Female, Hispanic
  • Other special factors: Recruited Track Athlete, but unsure if wanting to continue in college

*Intended Major(s): Animal Science (pre-vet track)

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 4.0
  • Weighted HS GPA : 5.2/6.0
  • Class Rank: top 10% (550+ students)
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 34 ACT

*12 AP courses (HumGeo-5, World-5, USHist, Bio, EnvSci, EngLang, Chem, Physics, EngLit, Calc BC, US Gov, Econ) Waiting for 4 scores from this year, rest will be taken next year. Anticipate some type of AP award

Classes also include a GT Independent Study and Mentorship class (application and interview process, selective) where I worked with a Dallas Zoo Veterinarian/Wildlife Nonprofit CEO on a year long study project. I also took a sequence of classes in animal welfare, animal management, equine science, and veterinary medicine that culminates in a practicum my senior year with a vet surgical center.

*College Board National Hispanic Recognition Scholar
*National Honor Society
*National Science Honor Society
*National Spanish Honor Society
*Nike Indoor Nationals Top 10
*Nike Outdoor Nationals Top 20
*National Junior Olympics Top 25
*Track Individual District Champion
*School Track MVP ‘23 and ‘24

*Selected as a Dallas Zoo Student Intern “Zoo Crew” (application and interview process) 1 of only 2 students out of 20 selected to program to be immediately elevated to 2nd level of program, given more responsibilities and opportunities to work with general public
*4 yr Varsity Letterman Track- Captain 11th and 12th
*FFA- officer 11th and 12th
*Girls in Stem- officer 11th and 12th
*ECO Club (Environmental school club)
*Will graduate with over 200 hours of community service
*NSLC vet program at Virginia Tech (I know this is a pay to play opportunity, but it goes with my interest in vet medicine and was very educational)
*Participated in several stock shows presenting my blue ribbon award winning rabbit

*Summer jobs
*Dallas Zoo Intern
*Interning at an animal physical rehabilitation center (working mostly with dogs post surgery)

*Will have my Math and Science teachers write my LORs, should be strong
*Will also have an LOR from my independent study mentor

Cost Constraints / Budget
No cost constraints. Will not qualify for financial aid, but my parents can/will pay for full cost (they are aware of tuition costs of schools I am applying to)


  • Safety *
    -Iowa St, Colorado St, U of Arizona, Texas A&M (auto admit, but must apply to major), U of Tennessee
  • Likely *
  • Virginia Tech
  • Match*
  • Univ of Florida, Univ of Georgia
  • Reach*
    -Cornell, Princeton, Johns Hopkins, Penn, Yale, Dartmouth

15 posts - 8 participants

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]]> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:48:22 +0000 No No No Chance me Cornell CALS [and other colleges] [TX resident, 4.0 GPA, top 10% rank, 34 ACT; animal science]
2025-26 school reccomendations for 10th grade <![CDATA[Prairie1765]]> Prep School Admissions <![CDATA[

Hi! I am trying to find some boarding schools to apply to for this next admissions cycle. I tried applying for 2024-2025 but I had little luck. I applied to Exeter, Andover, Choate, and NMH. I live in a medium sized city in an area that doesn’t have many people go to boarding schools. My grades are straight A’s and I got 84 on my last SSAT in January but I am taking a prep class for this time around. I don’t have much for extracurriculars in middle school (I have theater, piano, and volunteering at a local library). My middle school was a very small private school and didn’t have any sports teams. But I am joining the golf and tennis teams in high school this next year (I am going to a local public school). I also started fencing, equestrian, and trapshooting (but may drop one to make room for other stuff). I will be joining DECA and Science Olympiad and maybe Math Club (competitions). I will need financial aid. I would love to row but there is no rowing or Model UN opportunities in my state. Here are the things I want in a school:

A few reach schools and a few safety schools
A good social atmosphere
Good connections
Well respected for education
Decent matriculation
Nice travel program
I really want to get attainable schools since I got rejected last tim

Its okay if all of the schools don’t match everything on my list. Thanks!

9 posts - 7 participants

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]]> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:32:30 +0000 No No No 2025-26 school reccomendations for 10th grade
Chance me for Cornell CALS <![CDATA[TXmomofgirls]]> Chance Me / Match Me! <![CDATA[

My first choice dream school has always been Cornell CALS as an Animal Science major, and now I am trying to figure out if I should apply ED or not. I ultimately want to go to Vet school and work in the exotic animal/conservation field. Most all of the schools I am applying to have an Animal Science major (I would apply as some type of biology/science major at the others)

I do have full tuition merit scholarships at some of the schools I am applying to (due to my College Board NHRS award-see below), so also wondering if I should shut the door on any of those scholarships by doing ED. My parents say they are behind whatever choice I make and are prepared to pay full tuition costs (undergrad and grad)

Your thoughts are appreciated!

(I know that CALS is test blind, but I will submit my scores to all other colleges)

  • US citizen
  • State of residence: TX
  • Type of high school: competitive public, ranked in the top 500 schools nationally
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity: Female, Hispanic
  • Other special factors: Recruited Track Athlete, but unsure if wanting to continue in college

*Intended Major(s): Animal Science (pre-vet track)

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 4.0
  • Weighted HS GPA : 5.2/6.0
  • Class Rank: top 10% (550+ students)
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 34 ACT

*12 AP courses (HumGeo-5, World-5, USHist, Bio, EnvSci, EngLang, Chem, Physics, EngLit, Calc BC, US Gov, Econ) Waiting for 4 scores from this year, rest will be taken next year. Anticipate some type of AP award

Classes also include a GT Independent Study and Mentorship class (application and interview process, selective) where I worked with a Dallas Zoo Veterinarian/Wildlife Nonprofit CEO on a year long study project. I also took a sequence of classes in animal welfare, animal management, equine science, and veterinary medicine that culminates in a practicum my senior year with a vet surgical center.

*College Board National Hispanic Recognition Scholar
*National Honor Society
*National Science Honor Society
*National Spanish Honor Society
*Nike Indoor Nationals Top 10
*Nike Outdoor Nationals Top 20
*National Junior Olympics Top 25
*Track Individual District Champion
*School Track MVP ‘23 and ‘24

*Selected as a Dallas Zoo Student Intern “Zoo Crew” (application and interview process) 1 of only 2 students out of 20 selected to program to be immediately elevated to 2nd level of program, given more responsibilities and opportunities to work with general public
*4 yr Varsity Letterman Track- Captain 11th and 12th
*FFA- officer 11th and 12th
*Girls in Stem- officer 11th and 12th
*ECO Club (Environmental school club)
*Will graduate with over 200 hours of community service
*NSLC vet program at Virginia Tech (I know this is a pay to play opportunity, but it goes with my interest in vet medicine and was very educational)
*Participated in several stock shows presenting my blue ribbon award winning rabbit

*Summer jobs
*Dallas Zoo Intern
*Interning at an animal physical rehabilitation center (working mostly with dogs post surgery)

*Will have my Math and Science teachers write my LORs, should be strong
*Will also have an LOR from my independent study mentor

Cost Constraints / Budget
No cost constraints. Will not qualify for financial aid, but my parents can/will pay for full cost (they are aware of tuition costs of schools I am applying to)


  • Safety *
    -Iowa St, Colorado St, U of Arizona, Texas A&M (auto admit, but must apply to major), U of Tennessee
  • Likely *
  • Virginia Tech
  • Match*
  • Univ of Florida, Univ of Georgia
  • Reach*
    -Cornell, Princeton, Johns Hopkins, Penn, Yale, Dartmouth

4 posts - 2 participants

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]]> Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:24:27 +0000 No Yes No Chance me for Cornell CALS
Proving residency for California <![CDATA[93Lotus]]> Applying to College <![CDATA[

This thread is in regards to acceptable documentation for California residency and any advice for my particular situation - what to expect, any unforseen obstacles, etc.

My situation is as follows:

  • Born in Orange, California. I have all documentation - BC, SSC, etc.
  • Spent my first 21 years in California. All academic records, transcripts originate in CA.
  • I have expired CA ID/DLs.
  • I moved to Texas and it has been 2+ years of permanent residence.
  • All CA documentation is now expired, void, (even old accounts for college are no longer active), etc.

I’ve been playing around with different ways and angles as to how to obtain residence again for the sole purpose of taking advatange of their academics (it is the only one I’ll consider investing in).

At the present time, I have no inclination nor desire to live in CA. There is specific coursework that I am interested in that I will only consider CA for.

I’d like any advice as to how to go about achieving this without it negatively affecting me.

Thank You

28 posts - 13 participants

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]]> Wed, 12 Jun 2024 22:25:33 +0000 No No No Proving residency for California
Passing a pre-read at Georgetown University <![CDATA[Gumbo123]]> Athletic Recruits <![CDATA[

I’m a rising senior coxswain that’s trying to get recruited. I’m currently in the process of a pre-read with Georgetown University. I’m worried about passing it especially because coxswains only get recruited with soft-support (a letter to admissions from the coach) so the pre-read result matters because I need to definitely be able to get in with the soft support.

Does anyone know what the GPA and sat score requirement might be? My current gpa is 4.13/5 and my sat score is 1440 but I retook it and I’m waiting on the score (I think I got 1440+).

Should I be worried about passing? Also does anyone know when pre-read results come back? Is it july 1st?

14 posts - 6 participants

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]]> Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:15:24 +0000 No No No Passing a pre-read at Georgetown University
Do my extracurricular need to be with the school? <![CDATA[allenski]]> Applying to College <![CDATA[

All these people accepted into T20s have an extracurricular associated with their school such as debate team, var sport, or just a club leader. But honestly I don’t really like my high school enough to participate in any of these. Now some of yall might say just do it, but I really am incapable. My counselor is always talking about how I never participate with the school, but I literally hate my school. This is sounding like a rant now so to sum it up, do I need to associate my extracurriculars to my school?

61 posts - 16 participants

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]]> Wed, 12 Jun 2024 05:20:10 +0000 No No No Do my extracurricular need to be with the school?
Will I get rescinded from Skidmore? <![CDATA[AnonSkidmoreAdmit]]> Skidmore College <![CDATA[

So I got into skidmore a while ago and I committed however, My first semester grade for calc was 88 which is a B+(according to skidmore grading) and I think my second semester grade for calc will be a 77 or a C+. My other grades are very similar to my first semester grades. Will I get rescinded from skidmore?

13 posts - 5 participants

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]]> Wed, 12 Jun 2024 03:21:49 +0000 No No No Will I get rescinded from Skidmore?
I failed one dual enrollment class [D grade, will repeat], can I still get into competitive universities? <![CDATA[shana12145]]> Applying to College <![CDATA[

Hi, I need some help gauging a situation

For context, I am an extremely academically strong person. I have many APS (I plan to have a total of 12 by the time I graduate), and a perfect 4.0 unweighted GPA despite the amount of APs I’ve taken at school. I’ve taken many dual enrollment courses as well-- but I got one D in a dual enrollment class during the summer of my sophom*ore year (Which can be blamed on outside circ*mstances). I am retaking that class now (summer of my junior year), and expect to end with an A. Do you think my chances of getting into competitive schools has diminished greatly?

12 posts - 6 participants

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]]> Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:46:38 +0000 No No No I failed one dual enrollment class [D grade, will repeat], can I still get into competitive universities?
Match a rising junior majoring in Classics [3.975 GPA, no need-based financial aid] <![CDATA[fluctuatnecmergitur]]> Chance Me / Match Me! <![CDATA[


  • US domestic
  • Private HS, about 150 per graduating class
  • White female

Intended Major(s)

  • Classics and poli sci/international relations/psych

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.975
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): 4.48 (slightly different weighting system, but very similar)
  • Class Rank: school doesn’t rank
  • ACT/SAT Scores: haven’t taken the SAT yet, but PSAT is 1460


  • Will have taken at least 10 APs by the end of high school (CSP, HUG, Latin, APUSH, AP Lang, AP Calc BC, AP Chem, AP Bio, AP Lit, AP Psych), but possibly more depending on what fits in my schedule
  • Took all honors classes available (my school doesn’t have honors science)
  • Will take multivariable calc senior year
  • Will take two years of post-AP Latin

Awards (I don’t know which of these I should put so I’m listing everything here that’s remotely important)

  • National Latin Exam book award (4 gold medals and 2 perfect papers so far)
  • Overall achievement and overall academics awards at my state’s Latin convention (first place out of 1,000+ students)
  • 2x first place in this other state Latin tournament
  • Eta Sigma Phi bronze and silver medals (given to strong Latin students at my school, notable because I was the only student to medal as a freshman)
  • Latin Honor Society (not that important, given to anyone with an A- or above in Latin)
  • A lot of random JCL awards from state and national conventions
  • Bronze Presidential Service Award (should’ve been silver but the service coordinator didn’t approve my hours in time)


  • State JCL vice president: planned and hosted two virtual events, helped run a couple of service projects, wrote a bunch of proposals that aren’t worth getting into here
  • Latin Club vice president (9th, 10th) and president (11th)
  • Captain of my school’s Certamen (Latin quiz bowl) team: we’ve won a few awards including 3rd at states two years in a row
  • Also played Certamen for my state’s team at Nationals for 4 years
  • Varsity rock climbing team (everyone is on varsity lol)
  • Girl Scouts for 10 years, working on my Gold Award now

Cost Constraints / Budget
I’m definitely not getting financial aid, but for now, no particular budget

I’m looking for schools that somewhat meet this criteria, but it doesn’t have to be perfect:

  • Strong Classics program, ideally with the ability to double major
  • Midsize (like 4,000-10,000 students)
  • Cooler weather (not too important, but ideally not somewhere like Florida)
  • Driving distance from the East Coast
  • Not too focused on sports (school spirit is good, but not a school where athletics is the main focus)
  • I’m not particularly into Greek life–I’m looking for a place where it’s more low-key and you don’t have to join a sorority to have a social life
  • I’m looking for an academic/intellectual vibe without it being cutthroat (that may be a unicorn, I know)

Thanks in advance!

43 posts - 17 participants

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]]> Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:40:07 +0000 No No No Match a rising junior majoring in Classics [3.975 GPA, no need-based financial aid]
How to read CC forums <![CDATA[cconfgkss]]> Parents Forum <![CDATA[

Hi all
Back at CC after 6 years. In the older version, there was an easy way to correlate results thread with stats+accomplishments etc. of the poster for a particular school. Now it seems all over the place. Can someone let me know what I am missing please?

1 post - 1 participant

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]]> Wed, 12 Jun 2024 00:38:37 +0000 No No No How to read CC forums
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Name: Patricia Veum II

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