50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (2024)

Want a better POF headline?

You’ve come to the right place – I’ve got lots of examples to show you of the best ones, and I’ll explain why they work.

Personally, POF was one of the very first dating sites I signed up for. It’s simple and I – like many others – like its layout, which is very different from Tinder.

Ten different dating profiles are displayed on a single page alongside a photograph of the individual, one or two lines from their bio – and their headline.

And it’s this headline that can be the difference between someone clicking on your POF profile and taking a closer look at you – or continuing to scroll past you.

If you can nail your headline, your ‘open rate’ will shoot up.

In this article, I’m going to take a look at 50 of the BEST Plenty of Fish headlines (25 for women and 25 for men) to inspire you so that you’re able to come up with an amazing one yourself.

25 Best POF Headlines For Women

1. Setting your stall out

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (1)

This headline tells the man exactly what the woman is looking for. She wants to find The One and doesn’t have time for fun and games anymore. Being direct pays off.

2. The pattern-interrupt

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (2)

Pattern interrupt headlines and images are marketing techniques that grab attention.

What better way to grab attention on POF by telling men – in bold, capital letters – to STOP! Then, arouse curiosity by inviting them to come to take a lot …

3. The humorous seducer

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (3)

Okay, hands up guys – which one of you wouldn’t want to message someone who’s dark, bitter, and hot? She sounds dangerous but you’re not going to pass on this one! (I know I wouldn’t)

I also like that she hasn’t just stated she’s dark, bitter, and cold – she’s injected some much-needed humor and taken the edge off things by comparing herself to a cup of coffee.

Which basically tells you she’s not that scary. She’s probably just a great laugh.

4. Keen sense of adventure

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (4)

If you’ve got a great sense of adventure, don’t just write “Great sense of adventure.” Put a twist on things by asking men if they want to join you around the world for the trip of a lifetime.

5. Looking for a proper connection

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (5)

This headline works well because the woman is being upfront about what she’s looking for on POF. She doesn’t want lame-brains who are going to say “Hey.” She wants a guy who can actually hold a proper conversation.

6. The pop-culture reference

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (6)

If you’re looking to date someone who gets your sense of humor, try using a pop culture reference, like the one in the above image. It works like a charm.

7. List your interests

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (7)

There’s nothing wrong with creating a short bio in your headline as long as it’s not generic. Here we have theatre (something to do), adventure (outgoing personality), and laughter (doesn’t take themselves too seriously).

In a nutshell, we know what she’s about.

8. Try being sassy

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (8)

Sass won’t always have mass appeal but this kind of headline is laced with humor, it’s edgy and it gives guys an idea of what the girl is all about.

Moreover, it also creates pictures in a guy's mind.

9. The cheeky ‘warning’ sign

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (9)

‘Warning’ is a word commonly used in marketing. It’s meant to subtly but playfully play on our worst temptations. We know we shouldn’t like a girl who’s going to take photos of her food all the time – but the fact that she’s already warned us about this means we’re going to go ahead and date her anyway.

Besides, she sounds super fun and flirty.

10. The video game reference

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (10)

If you’re a gamer looking to date a fellow gamer, it helps to add a video game reference to your headline – like this winner here.

11. Keep it real

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (11)

Guys love humility in a woman – so why not flaunt yours in your headline?

12. Be hip

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (12)

Nothing says “hip” or cool as a line like this. If you vibe, you vibe. You dig, ladies and gents?

This kind of line works just as well on Bumble but it will definitely do the trick on POF too.

13. The pop-culture reference #2

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (13)

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with throwing a pop culture reference into your headline. This one – which demonstrates that the girl is a big Leonardo Di Caprio fine – is simple but fab.

14. Showcase your personal development goals

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (14)

Birds of a feather flock together. Any guy who’s interested in a girl with drive and ambition will love this kind of headline. Get on your hustle!

15. Beauty and brains

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (15)

Ask most guys what they want from a woman and they’ll tell you they want brains.

It helps if you’re healthy, too. As such, this kind of headline is a total baller.

16. Be hard to get

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (16)

Do you know what guys love? Women that are hard to get.

A classy headline like this shows your self-respect and self-worth … and it also says to the guy “try and catch me if you can.”

They’ll rise to the challenge.

17. Just be fun – but hip

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (17)

Don’t tell guys “I’m fun!”

Be a bit wittier – like this headline.

18. Life-loving

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (18)

This headline is so simple but it works because it shows that you’re in love with life and making memories with people. That sort of thing really speaks to guys.

19. Don’t settle

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (19)

Some guys are on POF for hook-ups and casual dating. If you’re not, make sure you set your stall out with your headline.

20. Include a Game of Thrones reference

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (20)

Because they always work and will attract a fellow boxset addict.

21: Take your time

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (21)

This kind of headline has mass appeal because it suggests you’re not here to chat to anyone. You’ve got enough self-respect and self-worth to have some patience when it comes to dating.

22. Be adventurous

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (22)

23. No time-wasters

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (23)

No, you’re not here to see d*** pics. You’re looking for the real deal.

24. Show empathy

“It’ll be fun, they said.”

Girl, you know online dating sucks – just like guys do. This is a fantastic headline that shows empathy and solidarity. We’re in it together – shall we date?

25. Just flirt

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (25)

Guys love a flirt. By being cute with her headline, this girl is showing us she’s up for some real laughs.

I recommend you to check out our article Dating Profile Examples For Women to improve your POF profile.

25 Best POF Headlines For Men

1. Ask a fun question

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (26)

On any dating site, you need an icebreaker. Why not add yours to your headline, as this guy did?

2. Showcase your intellectual side

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (27)

Want to meet a sophisticated and intelligent woman? Use your headline to spark her initial interest.

3. Make her feel butterflies

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (28)

There are plenty of grown-up women who are looking for something special, too. Use your headline to show that you’re not a player.

4. Be poetic

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (29)

A bit of poetry never goes amiss because it’s so different from any other headline on POF. Well worth trying.

5. Highlight your flaws

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (30)

Impulsive isn’t necessarily what any of us would call a good personality trait. Yet by drawing attention to it, you’re showing women you’re not afraid of your flaws. That’s really attractive.

6. Be specific

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (31)

If your interests are pretty nice, don’t be afraid to showcase them in your headline. It will help you to connect with more of the right people.

7. Talk about your career

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (32)

If a person’s career is important to you, list yours in the headline – especially if you’ve got an unusual job, or the type of job where women usually tell you “that’s such an amazing job!”

8: Cast your net wide

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (33)

A gamer who’s also artsy? Women are attracted to men who are a bit complex but the best thing about this headline is that he’s targeting two types of women at the same time – artsy types and gamer types. Cast your net wide, my friend.

9: Melt her heart

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (34)

Honestly, some women are a sucker for a man who can melt their hearts. This kind of headline will do exactly that.

10. Be darkly humorous

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (35)

A bit of pitch-black humor never goes amiss with a certain type of woman. Experiment with lines like that for success.

11. Be cool with what you’re looking for

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (36)

There’s no need to be too serious with regard to what you’re looking for. Just be cool and open-minded. Girls prefer that.

12. Cliches sometimes work

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (37)

They always say to avoid cliches. But you know what? Ones like this can work when you’re fresh out of ideas.

13. Romance never hurts

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (38)

This guy is young, he’s creative and he’s looking for love – he’s a catch! Copy his lead.

14. Take it easy

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (39)

There’s a lot to be said for being chill and taking it easy. This guy has it nailed.

15. Don’t take life too seriously

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (40)

A lot of girls are on the lookout for a guy who’s a laugh and who doesn’t take life too seriously. This headline perfectly demonstrates that.

16. Make them swoon

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (41)

Honestly, who says that romance is dead? There’s nothing wrong with stealing their heart with a headline like this.

17. Flaunt your wilder side

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (42)

If you’re looking to meet a woman who’s as free-thinking and adventurous as you are, use your POF headline to find her.

18. Be cute

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (43)

Yes, some women love a man when he’s cute. And you can’t be cuter than this type of headline.

19. Be humorously humble

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (44)

The problem with a POF headline that’s too slick is it can put some women off. So try a humorously humble headline like this instead. Girls love it.

20. Be positive

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (45)

This headline is positive, it’s polite and it’s full of confidence. It works a treat.

21. Show her your riskier side

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (46)

What woman doesn’t like a man that’s got a riskier side? Running red lights shows us that this man is not afraid to take a risk or two.

22. You just want some good times – no drama

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (47)

This headline is direct with regards to what the guy wants – no drama, just smiles and good vibes! It’s a simple winner.

23. Got it? Flaunt it

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (48)

Women love a man who can make them laugh. They love confidence, too. Combine them both with your POF headline and showcase what they’re currently missing out on.

24. Use a playful prompt

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (49)

It’s not Hinge – but that doesn’t mean you can’t use a playful prompt for your headline.

What a great way to start a conversation!

25. Use a pop culture reference

50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (50)

Got a TV show you’d love to binge-watch with that special someone? Use your headline to attract women who are into what you’re into, but be creative with how you do it. Subtle references are great.

I recommend you to check out our article Dating Profile Examples For Men to improve your POF profile.

Takeaway: 👇

Hopefully, these examples will inspire you to craft your own killer POF headline that gets you more profile views, more messages, and more dates. Take the examples and put a spin on your favorites. Don’t worry if they don’t bring you a lot of success straight away. Keep tweaking until you get it right. And good luck!

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50 Best POF Headlines in 2023 For Guys & Girls — DatingXP.co (2024)
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